The Hyman Family

The Hyman Family

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Our FHE Fun!

I try really hard to do Family Home Evening every week. I truly believe it is important. Because we had spring break this week we were able to stay up later. So I decided to do something fun for FHE. I invited boys from our ward to go with our family. We went to Golf Land. I really like to do mini golf. It is really popular where I grew up. There were quite a few places to go back home in Connecticut. I would love to build a course out here on the east side of the valley. Just a dream. Any way I took my kids and two boys from our ward who I really like. They are good boys I was glad they were able to come with us. Clint met us there after work and we had dinner then did a game of mini golf. It was so much fun. Because we had so many people in our group we divided up into two teams. I was with my older two and our friend Nick and Clint was with Ester Eliza & our other friend Martin.
Some might think that is not a very good FHE but I like to have a good time with my children and their friends. I want them to learn that Mom and Dad can play and have fun too. I also want them to learn to enjoy the time we get to be with each other. I read once a prophet said that FHE does not have to be a class room setting. I am thankful for FHE. I get upset because it doesn't always run smooth but at least my kids are being raised in a home that does it.

Jacob, Nick and Hanna

Clint & Ester and Katie who was everywhere.

Katie climbing on the wall that the kids were asked to stay off of.

Taking it easy after 18 holes of fun

Martin, Jacob & Ester


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think it's a great FHE - sounds like you guys had a lot of fun! Now I want to go to Golfland!!!